Klingon langy
Klingon langy

klingon langy

Their usage is covered in the purpose clauses section. The suffix -meH is used in purpose clauses.Their usage is covered in the relative clauses section. The suffix -bogh is used in relative clauses.īIʼIlmoʼ, qavoq Because you are sincere, I trust you ( bIʼIl you are sincere, qavoq I trust you) The suffix -moʼ indicates the main clause is occurring because of this clause.ĭaSamlaHchugh, DaSuqlaH If you can find it, you can take it ( DaSamlaH you can find it, DaSuqlaH you can acquire (take) it) The suffix -chugh is used to form conditionals.JImej chocholDIʼ As soon as you approach me, I leave ( jImej I leave, chochol you approach me)

klingon langy

The suffix -DIʼ indicates that the event of the main clause occurs immediately after the event of this clause is completed.LumtaHvIS, pagh taʼ He accomplishes nothing while he procrastinates ( lum procrastinate, taʼ accomplish, pagh nothing) It is always used in conjunction with the type-7 suffix continuous suffix -taH. The suffix -vIS indicates that the main clause is occurring at the same time as this clause.

klingon langy

JItlheDpaʼ, HIboQ Before I depart, assist me ( jItlheD I depart, HIboQ assist me)

  • The suffix -paʼ indicates that the event described in the main clause occurs chronologically before the event of this clause.
  • A subordinate clause may go after or before the clause it modifies. The following seven suffixes are used to form subordinate clauses. * Expressed with the type-5 verb suffix -luʼ Legend Klingon verb prefixes mark both the subject and the object. The presentation of the verb stem as an infinitive in this article's example sentences is just to show the individual morphemes. A rover suffix can go between any of them. (The tenth type, called rovers, are an exception.) Again as with nouns, the types of suffix must appear in a strict order, indicated by their type number: a type 2 suffix goes before a type 3 suffix, but after a type 1 suffix. There are ten types of suffix, and as with nouns, a verb can have no more than one suffix of any type. Klingon verbs mark for aspect but not for tense, which is indicated where necessary by context and by time adverbs.
  • The topicalizing suffix -ʼeʼ indicates the topic of the sentence or emphasises the noun in the phrase, and also marks the head noun of a relative clause.
  • Adverbs usually go at the beginning of the sentence and prepositional phrases go before the object. Klingon follows an object–verb–subject word order.
  • 3.2.5 Type 5 (undefined subject capability).
  • The copy-paste of the page "Klingon Language" or any of its results, is allowed as long as you cite dCode!Ĭite as source (bibliography): Klingon Language on dCode.

    klingon langy

    The copy-paste of the page "Klingon Language" or any of its results, is allowed as long as you cite the online source


    Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), the "Klingon Language" algorithm, the applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, translator), or the "Klingon Language" functions (calculate, convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (Python, Java, PHP, C#, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) and all data download, script, or API access for "Klingon Language" are not public, same for offline use on PC, tablet, iPhone or Android ! Google offers a version of its search engine in Klingon: here (link) Ask a new question Source codeĭCode retains ownership of the "Klingon Language" source code.


    and by all the geeks fans of the series (especially the fans of Spock). The Klingon language is used in The Star Trek series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery on the Kronos planet.

    Klingon langy